Inicialmente tinha a ideia de fazer uma camisola inspirada em VMSomⒶ KOPPA, mas entretanto, como a Primavera deu um ar da sua graça e resolveu querer aparecer, fiquei com vontade de realizar um poncho, que me permita agasalhar nos finais de tarde e noites frescas que fazem cá no norte.
O tutorial para o quadrado flor de crochet está aqui.
I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with these squares.
Initially I
had the idea of making a pullover inspired by VMSom Ⓐ KOPPA, but
meanwhile, as spring decided to show up, I was willing to carry out a poncho,
which would allow me to wrap up in late afternoon and cool nights that are here
in the North.
The tutorial for the crochet flower square is here.
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I love that you are here and I hope you like. Please tell me what you think! ;)